Resident & Fellows
In-Training Corner

Opportunities for Poster Presentations
NYAAS provides opportunities for fellows-in-training, residents, and medical students interested in allergy/immunology to present posters and oral presentations at our scientific meetings and Annual Teaching Day Conference. These presentations should focus on interesting cases or research that can be shared with the wider NYAAS community. The cases selected should aim to expand our understanding, featuring unique presentations or aspects of disease processes that could enhance differential diagnosis and improve patient care. Presenters chosen will receive an honorarium for their participation.
Please submit your abstracts for consideration to and cc:,
Abstract Format: (maximum of 250 words)
1. Introduction: Describe the context of the case and explain its relevance and importance.
2. Case Description: Clinical presentation including history & physical examination, testing, treatment/outcome as relevant.
3. Discussion: Please review the main teaching points from the case.
Oral Presentation Opportunities at Scientific Meetings & Teaching Day
In addition to poster presentations, fellows and residents also have the chance to present their case reports as oral presentations at our scientific meetings. Selected speakers will have 10 minutes to discuss their cases, focusing on the immunological aspects, clinical presentation, and management of the disease, with the goal of introducing the topic for the scientific meeting. Mentorship will be provided by pairing oral presenters with field experts. Selected speakers will receive an honorarium for their participation.
We are currently seeking presenters for the following meetings:
1/28/2025 - Contact Dermatitis
5/7/2025 - FPIES
9/10/2025 - Asthma
10/24/2025 - Teaching Day (any topic)