We are excited to be accepting patients aged 6 months and up in the three trials below offering Broncho-Vax, Tezspire, or Dexpamiprexole. Please see below brief inclusion:
EAGLE Phase 2
Phase 2: Recurrent Wheezing:
6 months – 5 years (inclusive).
Once daily oral administration of a bacterial extract mixed in liquid for 6 months.
Treatment with 3.5 mg of 21 bacterial strains.
Treatment with Broncho-Vax (authorized in 65 countries for prevention of RTIs).
5 in-clinic appointments over 12 months.
Severe Uncontrolled Asthma using Tezspire:
5 to <12 years of age.
Severe asthma diagnosis for at least 6 months.
Currently on an inhaled corticosteroid and 1 additional maintenance controller for at least 3 months.
Subcutaneous injection once every 4 weeks for 52 weeks.
EXHALE Phase 3
Severe Eosinophilic Asthma using Dexpamiprexole:
12 years of age or older.
Diagnosis of asthma for at least 12 months.
At least 2 asthma exacerbations treated with systemic corticosteroid within the past 12 months.
Twice daily oral pill (Dexpamiprexole) for 52 weeks.
*Other inclusion/exclusion will apply.
**Patient is compensated and only seen at Northwell for study visits. Patient will continue their care with you.
If you have a patient who may benefit from these trials, please reach out to our study team:
PI: Dr. Sherry Farzan (sfarzan@northwell.edu)
Coordinators: Annica Bryson (abryson1@northwell.edu) / Aaqil Ali (aali27@northwell.edu)
NYU Cat and Milk Allergy
CAT ALLERGY: A multi-center randomized clinical trial of a new drug for people 12 years and older who live with a cat [ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04981717]. REGN1908 and REGN1909 are human IgG4 monoclonal antibodies, which bind independently, non-competitively, and with high affinity to the Fel d 1 allergen and have been developed as an antibody cocktail (REGN1908-1909) for the treatment of allergic symptoms triggered by exposure to cat allergen.
The participants will be compensated for their time and effort and provided allergy medications (intranasal steroid, eye drops and oral antihistamine) free of charge.
If you have any patients who might be interested, please ask them to reach out at pediatricallergyresearch@nyulangone.org or call 212-263-1572.
MILK ALLERGY: Phase 2 Study to Evaluate the Sensitivity, Specificity and Safety of DBV1605, a Ready to Use Atopy Patch Test for the Diagnosis of Non-Immunoglobulin E Mediated Cow’s Milk Allergy in Children >28 days to ≤24 months old [ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04492683]
The participants will be compensated for their time and effort and provided a supply of a hypoallergenic infant formula free of charge.
If you have any patients who might be interested, please ask them to reach out at pediatricallergyresearch@nyulangone.org or call 212-263-1572.
Research Study on Food Allergy and Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Researchers at the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute are seeking adult (18 to 50 years old) volunteers with food allergy to at least one of seven foods (peanut, cashew, hazelnut, walnut, sesame, cod, and/or shrimp) and current eczema or a history of eczema.
The study includes taking a daily oral medicine (abrocitinib) for four months to see if it shows promise for treating food allergy. Abrocitinib is a medication used to treat eczema, but it has not been studied in food allergies. Participants will be compensated $100 for each study visit.
To learn more about this study, please contact AbroFoodAllergy@mssm.edu or 646-481-4028.
PI: Scott Sicherer, MD; Professor of Pediatrics (Allergy and Immunology), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. (IRB STUDY-21-00564)

Self-initiated study that is IRB approved(NYMC).
The study is "Sublingual dust mite immunotherapy as a modality for ameliorating hypersensitivity reactions during rush immunotherapy". Patients with rhinitis control assessment test score<18 and prick skin test for DF/DP of at least 5 mm, and who consent will be treated with prescribed Odactra for 3 months and then undergo 2 rush immunotherapy sessions 1 week apart followed by maintenance DF/DP SCIT treatment 4 weeks later. The endpoint will be whether they can tolerate the rush immunotherapy(RIT) and SCIT maintenance initiation without anaphylaxis. Patients referred can follow up their subsequent SCIT with the referring practice/MD.
Robert Y Lin, MD
New York Allergy and Sinus Centers
contact email: drlin@robertylinmd.com
contact phone: 917-740-6011
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) dupilumab trial(R668-EE-1774)
DBPC study of adolescent and adults with EoE x 6 months followed by open label dupilumab treatment x 6 months.
Principal investigator: Robert Y Lin MD, Co-investigators Hon-Ming Eng MD & Morris Nejat MD
Contact Study Coordinator: Jessica Barlas jessbarlas@nyallergy.com
or call 212-686-6321
Key inclusion criteria:
∙ History of Dysphagia: An average of at least 2 episodes of dysphagia per week in the 4 weeks prior to screening.
* EoE endoscopically diagnosed (>15/HPF) any time in the past after 8 weeks high-dose PPI treatment(eg omeprazole 40 mg/d or equivalent).
* Biopsy could have been within 2 weeks of 8 week PPI treatment course if stopped.
Key exclusion criteria:
* Swallowed steroid treatment in the prior 8 weeks
* Any prior dupilumab
* Use of immunomodulatory/biologic drugs in the prior 3 months
* Any serious systemic, malignant or other serious GI diseases
* Changed inhaled or nasal steroids or leukotriene modifier drugs or allergy shots in the prior 8 weeks (can be on stable doses).
Intervention: weekly injections of dupilumab or placebo. Patients will be screened for requisite dysphagia frequency and baseline endoscopy showing EoE before randomization.
Evaluations: baseline & interval labs/questionnaires, endoscopy at screening,
6 m and 12 m, visits every 1-4 weeks(more in the beginning less at the end)
Reimbursements: ~$50 per visit, endoscopy visits ~$250
